Space & Satellite Based High-Resolution Imagery
Phase One offers advanced space camera solutions designed to provide high-resolution imagery and precise analysis. Our tools integrate seamlessly with GIS platforms, allowing for detailed data visualization and accurate results. Whether you are working on a satellite mission or geospatial imagery analysis, our professional-grade applications are built to meet your needs.
Our iXM cameras can collect imagery from deep-shaded and highly illuminated areas simultaneously, increasing detection, recognition, and identification capabilities. They are fully configurable and have sophisticated on-the-fly image compression to support fast data processing. With a compact size and weight, low power consumption, and optional components, our iXM cameras are perfect for space applications.
Designed and built to operate in Low Earth Orbit in Space, iXM-SP150 is a snapshot matrix camera, ready for integration with Space telescopes and satellite imagery hardware. iXM-SP150 offers unmatching wide area, high resolution, high sensitivity, and low noise imaging capabilities for Earth Observation and Space Domain Awareness applications, with Achromatic and color variants.