
Phase One Professional Certification Program


What is POCP?

What is POCP?

Phase One Certified Professional is a comprehensive training course in Phase One Camera Systems, Digital Backs and Capture One Software. It is designed to give digital techs and assistants the knowledge they need to be more efficient on set and attain the highest level of reliability with Phase One technology.

Professional certification in photography

How to get certified?

There are two steps:

  1. Qualification. Take the online prerequisite course and pass all sections.
  2. Live training. Attend an official Phase One Certification Training course and pass the written exam at the end.
    Registration for both can be handled by the dealer hosting the event.

Why get certified?

POCP is about two things – Education and certification. The certification is to provide proof that a digital tech or digital operator possesses a certain set of skills and knowledge. However,  even without the professional certificate the knowledge gained from the course will help make you a better tech, a better assistant and a better photographer.

  • What is POCP?

    What is POCP?

    Phase One Certified Professional is a comprehensive training course in Phase One Camera Systems, Digital Backs and Capture One Software. It is designed to give digital techs and assistants the knowledge they need to be more efficient on set and attain the highest level of reliability with Phase One technology.

    Professional certification in photography
  • How to get certified?

    How to get certified?

    There are two steps:

    1. Qualification. Take the online prerequisite course and pass all sections.
    2. Live training. Attend an official Phase One Certification Training course and pass the written exam at the end.
      Registration for both can be handled by the dealer hosting the event.
  • Why get certified?

    Why get certified?

    POCP is about two things – Education and certification. The certification is to provide proof that a digital tech or digital operator possesses a certain set of skills and knowledge. However,  even without the professional certificate the knowledge gained from the course will help make you a better tech, a better assistant and a better photographer.


About Training

What is covered at Training?

A full range of topics covering both Phase One hardware and software is covered, including:

  • Capture One workflow, optimization and troubleshooting.
  • Tethering hardware and troubleshooting.
  • The Phase One XF & XT camera systems.
  • Technical Cameras with Phase One backs.
  • Image quality optimization.

Workflow and technique is taught with an emphasis on high volume commercial situations.

Join Phase One Certified Professional program

What is the purpose of the pre-course?

Before you attend the certification training seminar you must first qualify by completing the 5 sections of our online Pre-Course. This online portion of training covers the basics of digital back technology, camera usage, and Capture One Workflow to ensure that you come to the live training ready to go to the next level.

How long is the Training Seminar?

Typically training is 2 days, 9am – 5pm. Note that some classes may go later, some may wrap earlier. Lunch will be provided.


Contact the participating dealer. Costs are standardized internationally, with only slight variance for currency conversion. Price includes the prerequisite program, as well as registration for the training seminar. Included in the seminar cost are all course materials and lunch during training. Re-certification is offered at a discounted price.

How to sign up

Step 1:  To Signup, contact the Phase One partner hosting the event you wish to attend.

Step 2:  Upon payment you receive a Join-Code and registration is complete.

  • What is covered at Training?

    What is covered at Training?

    A full range of topics covering both Phase One hardware and software is covered, including:

    • Capture One workflow, optimization and troubleshooting.
    • Tethering hardware and troubleshooting.
    • The Phase One XF & XT camera systems.
    • Technical Cameras with Phase One backs.
    • Image quality optimization.

    Workflow and technique is taught with an emphasis on high volume commercial situations.

    Join Phase One Certified Professional program
  • What is the purpose of the pre-course?

    What is the purpose of the pre-course?

    Before you attend the certification training seminar you must first qualify by completing the 5 sections of our online Pre-Course. This online portion of training covers the basics of digital back technology, camera usage, and Capture One Workflow to ensure that you come to the live training ready to go to the next level.

  • How long is the Training Seminar?

    How long is the Training Seminar?

    Typically training is 2 days, 9am – 5pm. Note that some classes may go later, some may wrap earlier. Lunch will be provided.

  • Cost


    Contact the participating dealer. Costs are standardized internationally, with only slight variance for currency conversion. Price includes the prerequisite program, as well as registration for the training seminar. Included in the seminar cost are all course materials and lunch during training. Re-certification is offered at a discounted price.

  • How to sign up

    How to sign up

    Step 1:  To Signup, contact the Phase One partner hosting the event you wish to attend.

    Step 2:  Upon payment you receive a Join-Code and registration is complete.


About Certification

How long is certification valid for?

Certification is valid for 2 years. We believe that after 2 years in a typical development cycle, the course will have changed enough to warrant re-certification.

Elevate your photography career with Phase One Certification

What happens when certification expires?

When certification expires your name will be removed from the Phase One website. To renew your certification attend a new certification class. A discount is given for recertification attendees.

What if I fail the certification exam?

A one-time re-test is offered within 3 months of attending POCP Training. To arrange a retest please contact the Phase One partner who hosted the training.

Elevate your photography career with Phase One Certification

What is the exam like?

Each final exam consists of 30 multiple choice questions randomly selected from a larger question bank.  All questions are specifically developed to reflect the type of knowlege we expect a Certified Professional to know.  The exam is conducted online and students have 3 days to take the exam following the training event.  Once you begin the exam you have 35 minutes to complete it (45 minutes for non-native english speaking countries).  A passing grade is 80% (24/30).

  • How long is certification valid for?

    How long is certification valid for?

    Certification is valid for 2 years. We believe that after 2 years in a typical development cycle, the course will have changed enough to warrant re-certification.

    Elevate your photography career with Phase One Certification
  • What happens when certification expires?

    What happens when certification expires?

    When certification expires your name will be removed from the Phase One website. To renew your certification attend a new certification class. A discount is given for recertification attendees.

  • What if I fail the certification exam?

    What if I fail the certification exam?

    A one-time re-test is offered within 3 months of attending POCP Training. To arrange a retest please contact the Phase One partner who hosted the training.

    Elevate your photography career with Phase One Certification
  • What is the exam like?

    What is the exam like?

    Each final exam consists of 30 multiple choice questions randomly selected from a larger question bank.  All questions are specifically developed to reflect the type of knowlege we expect a Certified Professional to know.  The exam is conducted online and students have 3 days to take the exam following the training event.  Once you begin the exam you have 35 minutes to complete it (45 minutes for non-native english speaking countries).  A passing grade is 80% (24/30).
