The XT Camera

Extraordinary in every way

The world’s only camera dedicated to landscape photography

Superior resolution for breathtaking detail

Every component inside the XT is designed to

capture scale and intricate detail

at exceptional quality.

Writing with light

As photographers we instinctively understand

the importance of light to bring

images dramatically to life.

The art of composition

Every photograph tells a story. Every story involves choices, what you decide to leave out of the frame is just as important as what you keep in.

In the frame

The XT’s instinctive touchscreen interface

won’t let you down when it comes to

making the nuanced decisions of

the compositional process.

Decoupling time and light with XT’s most groundbreaking features, Frame Averaging

Decoupling time and light

One of the XT’s most groundbreaking features is Frame Averaging

Peace of mind in the field is essential. When you’re in a once-in-a-lifetime location capturing unique images, you’ll want to be sure you have captured the best image possible. Immediately review your work on your iPhone or iPad and back your files up securely. Remote control from the mobile app opens up otherwise inaccessible points of view with endless creative perspectives, and can be invaluable during challenging weather conditions.

Built to last…and evolve

In a world geared towards

planned obsolescence,

the XT is built to last.

Request your personal demo and XT Camera customization experience

Fill out the form to request a personal demo and customization session for the XT Camera with your local Phase One Expert. We now offer both in person and online options for your convenience.