Stefan Schlumpf

Extreme sports photography

Extreme sports photographer Stefan Schlumpf captured dare-devil world record holding highliner, Stephan Siegrist, in the unique location of Martinsloch in Switzerland.

Driving home from Zurich to Chur one day, Stefan thought about capturing the extreme in a unique location. Martinsloch is the biggest hole on a mountain-side in Switzerland. Twice a year the sun shines directly through the mountainside hole, onto the church of Elm. He wanted to break new grounds with extreme sports photography.

For the shoot, he used the Phase One XF 100MP Camera System and Blue Ring lenses:

“I used a 35mm and 55mm lens for the highline images. My own lenses are automatically identified by the system and the focus is calibrated specifically. As a result, you get outstanding overall sharpness and virtually distortion-free images.”