Home iXM
SkySkopes – New Imaging Technology Makes Power Line Inspections Quicker and Easier
Industrial Applications Utilizing the Gremsy Gimbal & Phase One iXM Camera
Eyefly – Achieve Close-to-1mm GSD with a Large Footprint for 3D Bridge Inspection
AM/NS Calvert – Acquiring Data in 70% Less Time with Phase One iXM-100 camera
Airbus ALTAIR – A First for Large Scale High Definition 3D Mapping and 3D Mapping Solutions
Why the Phase One iXM 100 is the ultimate UAV camera
Inspection of Infrastructure using Phase One medium format cameras
AeroInspekt – Drone Photogrammetry Advances Crane Railway Inspection
Phase One Cameras Calibrations – Engineering Background
Drone Bridge Inspections: A Study in Safety and Efficiency